Impact Assessment Report
To gauge the impact created by the various initiatives taken by UOCB at the ground level, we recently conducted an Impact Assessment Study in the state.
The study compared the socio-economic life of the farmers and the impact on crops in the pre-organic and post-organic time frame. The findings were encouraging with many farmers having reported double income after adopting organic cultivation practices.
We, at UOCB, have published multiple books written by experts that cover various aspects of agriculture like biodynamic farming, beekeeping, hill crops, honey, etc.
Download the books below to gain an in-depth understanding of these subjects.
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)
PMKY is a traditional farming improvement program launched by the GOI in 2015 to promote organic farming, reduce dependence on fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, and improve soil health while increasing yields.
Pursuant to PKVY, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer, GOI has allotted 3900 clusters to Uttarakhand, and UOCB is providing technical assistance in 400 clusters. As a result, 20,000 farmers and 8,000 hectares of land in Uttarakhand are registered in this project and are getting assistance regarding training, exposure visit, off-farm input assistance, brand building, marketing initiatives, etc.
Organic Act 2019
Uttarakhand is pioneering the revival of traditional agriculture practices and has become the first state in India to introduce an Organic Agriculture Act (2019), initiating official steps toward converting the state into a fully organic state.
The act allows the regulation of NGOs, private entities, and traders engaged in the export market and processing of organic products. It will also regulate the sale of chemical fertilizers and penalise any stakeholders involved in selling banned substances up to Rs. 1 lakh. With the act in place, obtaining the organic certification is also slated to become simpler and boost the organic certification of agricultural products, thereby giving impetus to the organic cultivation movement in the state.
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